Desalination Technologies
Arca Regler GmbH - Producing High & Low pressure globe control valves, with corrosion resistance construction materials - Super Alloys, including SMO254).
Bea Technologies SpA – Filter cartridges & housings/vessels, equipment and systems including self cleaning for sea water, drinking water, pharmaceuticals, food & beverage and many other demanding industries. Sternly micronics filters with Nylon membrane for longer service life. Our filters are used with confidence and satisfaction by customers worldwide in pharmaceuticals, food & beverage and many other demanding industries.
Calder - a Flowserve company - Energy Recovery Turbines for Reverse Osmosis Pumps / Process, for Desalination Plants, using pelton wheel impulse turbines and pump units. Over 1200 turbines recovering over 170,000 kW in 200 desalination plants, with a total production capacity in excess of 1,500,000 m3/d (400 MGD), throughout the world.
High Efficiency "Dual-Work-Exchanger-Energy-Recovery", Seawater Reverse Osmosis desalination plants to recycle the pressure energy in the high pressure brine using work-exchanger principals. Holds International patents on the technology with 16 units currently operating in 8 desalination plants.
Flowserve Corporation - Leading pumps manufacturer with a large pumps variety and sizes for seawater desalination plants, seawater intake, waterworks, power and energy industry, sewage treatment and environmental protection facilities, chemical plants, agriculture and flood control, district heating and cooling, general industries, renewable energy and environmental applications.
Perrier Sorem - Screening, gate valves and filtration. Equipment which is used in many water intakes, pumping stations, hydroelectric plants, sewage and drinking water facilities.
Pipelife Norge A.S. - Production and supply of PE and HDPE pipes for Sub-Sea Intake and other applications, up to 1600 mm. Dia. delivered to the site (including Tow Engineering), with length up to 600 m per unit.
Roberts Filter Group - Over 100 years in the Filtration business design and manufacturing of: Gravity & Underdrain filtration, Package filtration, Residuals & Treatment (sludge removal), Pressure filters & Gas systems.
Toray Membrane Japan & USA Inc. - Wide assortment of reverse osmosis and nano filtration elements, for low and high pressure seawater and brackish water, with high quality and high rejection characteristics, for water treatment and purification needs.
ASUT Fiberglass - fiberglass construction, pipes & fittings